Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Hobby

     My first hobby is playing soccer. Soccer is about two teams. In each team eleven players. And it has
 four referees. their are a lot of soccer's fans in everywhere. It's the most popular sport in the world. I have 
started playing soccer since i was five years old. i love playing soccer in my city and in New York city. I 
was in the high school team. My position is back in the meddle. Here in New York i like to go every
Saturday in Hudson River Park to play soccer. I made a lot of friends from every places in the world from
 Brazil, China, Africa, and also from Saudi Arabia. My favorite team is FC Barcelona Spain and i admire
 Missy who is player from Argentina.

     The soccer is a famous sport between the youth. However, it has advantages and disadvantages. For 
example, the advantages are give you fitness, burn the fat, and great stamina. The disadvantages are 
fighting between the teams, and dangerous injurers but as we see  can avoid the disadvantages and we can  
find solution for this problems.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anas,

    I love soccer too. It's a nice sport because you must play in group and this is so convivial. Nowadays, we are becoming so individualist that play soccer can help people learn how to share. It’s also nice for doing new friends. In my country soccer is so popular that we have a soccer school, for find talents. Have a good holiday.
    See you soon,
